1. Background and Purposes 论坛背景和宗旨 The International Forum on Linguistics and Chinese Education (IFOLCE) is organized as an annual conference dedicated to exploring and promoting application of the latest linguistic research findings to the field of Teaching Chineseas a Second Language. The establishment of IFOLCE originally resulted from a joint effort of a group of colleagues in the field from eight universities in the United States, Beijing, and Hong Kong. Debuting in 2015, the IFOLCE annual forum has been held rotationally among the five locations with each having two co-organizers. IFOLCE-1 was held at University of California at Davis (co-organizer Columbia University), IFOLCE-2 at Beijing Language and Culture University (co-organizer Peking University), IFOLCE-3 at Notre Dame University (co-organizer Princeton University), IFOLCE-4 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (co-organizer Stanford University), and IFOLCE-5 at Columbia University (co-organizer UC-Davis). IFOLCE-6 will be held in person at Stanford University with two co-organizers, the Chinese Language Teachers Association of California (CLTAC) and City University of Hong Kong. It has been recognized for a long time that linguistic studies play an important role in second language teaching. As observed in the great tradition pioneered by Prof. Yuen Ren Chao and others, Chinese L2 teaching should be placed on a solid basis of Chinese linguistics. With such an understanding, IFOLCE is intended to serve as a premier forum, inviting scholars from around the world to exchange their latest research insights on new advances in linguistic studies to enhance our work in Teaching Chinese a Second Language. The theme of this conference is Traditions and Innovations in Linguistic Research and Chinese Teaching.
2. Conference Plan 本届论坛计划 Organizers: Stanford University, CLTAC, City University of Hong Kong Dates: May 26-28, 2023 Location: Stanford University (The San Francisco Bay Area, USA) Schedule: May 26 (afternoon) Workshop: L2 Study with Empirical Facts & Linguistic Analyses May 27 (all day) Keynote speeches and paper presentations May 28 Paper presentations Round-table discussion and closing ceremony
4. Conference language 会议语言 English or Chinese 英文或中文
5. Registration 参会注册 1. Other than conference presenters, non-presenters are welcome to participate in the conference. To register, please fill out the following form and pay the registration fee by clicking on the payment link on the form. https://stanforduniversity.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cZ6ghdm99quLk8e 2. Registration fee: US$90 if registering before April 1, and US$120 after April 1. The special rate for members of CLTAC is US$90 in recognition of the Association’s sponsorship. Full-time student rate is US$70. Requests for registration fee refunds must be submitted to the IFOLCE-6 Organizing Committee in writing before April 10, 2023, after which no refund requests will be accepted. 3. The registration fee will include lunches on May 27 and 28, dinner on May 27, and coffee/tea throughout the forum.
6. Lodging and Transportation 会场及周边信息 Lodging Information 酒店信息: https://visit.stanford.edu/basics/lodging.html Transportation Information 交通信息: https://transportation.stanford.edu/maps-resources-access/map Campus Map 校园地图: https://campus-map.stanford.edu/ 7. Sun Dejin Young Scholar Theses Award (SYSTA) 孙德金青年优秀论文奖 This award is first offered as an encouragement to young scholars who wish to devote themselves to a career in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, a field in which Dr. Dejin Sun was especially interested in, and to which he has made numerous important contributions. The award is an annual prize in the amount of US$ 200, donated by the founding members of IFOLCE. On the recommendation of the review committee after reviewing all the SYSTA submissions, a maximum of three finalists will be invited to present their papers in the special SYSTA session at the forum. Two nights of local lodging will be provided to these three finalists (one recipient for each paper) by the organizer free of charge, although the finalists must notify the organizer of their travel plan in a timely manner as required. 1. Eligibility: (1) The applicant must be 45 years of age (or younger) in the year of the forum. (2)The applicant need not have a Ph.D. degree. But for those with a Ph.D. degree, the year of the forum must be within 6 years of the receipt of the degree. 2. An applicant must submit an abstract of the thesis before January 15. Once the thesis is accepted to be a finalist, the full paper must be submitted before March 15. The paper must be no more than 20 pages (single space) in length and formatted in APA, MLA or LSA style or the styles of other Chinese core academic journals in Chinese linguistics or language acquisition. The first line of the thesis should be written “孙德金青年优秀论文奖参评论文.” The thesis must be original and has not been published. 3. Priority will be given to those who have not been honored by this award before. 4. A maximum of three finalists will be anonymously reviewed and selected by the review committee, and the thesis must be presented at the special session of the annual forum.
8. IFOLCE-6 Committee (alphabetical order) 本届论坛召集人(按姓氏音序排列) 李樾 Li, Yue, Chinese Language Teachers Association of California 加州中文教师协会 刘美君 Liu, Mei-chun, City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大学 孙朝奋 Sun, Chaofen, Stanford University 斯坦福大学 唐 乐 Tang, Le Singleton, Stanford University 斯坦福大学
9. IFOLCE Organizing Committee (alphabetical order) “语言学与汉语教学国际论坛”组委会成员 (按姓氏音序排列) 储诚志 Chu, Chengzhi, University of California, Davis 加州大学戴维斯分校 崔希亮 Cui, Xiliang, Beijing Language and Culture University 北京语言大学 刘乐宁 Liu, Lening, Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学 刘美君 Liu, Mei-Chun, City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大学 孙朝奋 Sun, Chaofen, Stanford University 斯坦福大学 王 静 Wang, Jing, Princeton University 普林斯顿大学 赵 杨 Zhao, Yang, Peking University 北京大学 朱永平 Zhu, Yongping, University of Notre Dame 圣母大学